Thursday, May 20, 2010

Let's play catch up! hehe

Good Times in the life of Marie!

Okay! I know it's been a long time since I've blogged, few times at that! I'm going to try and get into the habit of doing it more, but I cannot promise anything! LOL

Where do I begin!

Well, I am no longer working at Chukchansi. Nope! After 7 years, I decided it was time to move on. I was ready to find something closer to home, weekends off. I was ready to have a life with my Man, Family and closest Friends!

Don't get me was a big decision, but it had to be made. I wasn't going to jump to the first available job. I had to make sure I was still going to be able to pay the bills and put food on the table when Joey's work was slow.

So, patiently I waited and anxiously I applied...searched the web...updated and revised my resume I don't know how many times! LOL. Then one day, I got an e-mail asking if I was interested in a phone interview....then I got my second, in person interview on Friday and Monday the offer was in and I accepted it! I prayed about this for so long and everything just fell into place, so I knew it was what God wanted me to do.

At first, I thought it would be a pay cut, but not much. Plus, the commute is literally 3.89 miles ROUND TRIP!!! So I save money on gas and car care too! Plus, they give me $120 a month towards my cell phone and upgraded me to an iPhone! Needless to say, when all is said and done and numbers are added up, I make more than I did at Chukchansi! What a blessing! Plus, I get 8 paid holidays off! Oh My Goodness! I can't even count that many holidays. I forget what holidays even exist because I haven't had them off in 7 years! :)

Okay! So my first weekend off after starting my new job, Joey and I went to Solvang and Santa Barbara for the weekend. We had some wonderful friends of ours invite us to stay in their 2 bedroom Condo, so we took them up on it. It was so nice....not just the place itself, but the fact that I could relax...the fact that I knew work was not happening and that I wasn't expecting any work related phone calls or emergencies! For the first an extremely long time...I truly did relax...and I truly felt like I was on vacation! Ant that was just a weekend trip! hehe

Here are just a few pictures from my phone. The rest are on my camera and I will have to download those at another time....I lost my adaptor cord. :(

This is me enjoying my first Wine Tasting Ever!!!! :)

Meet Max! Him and I were wearing the same colors...we know what's up! LOL

Okay, so do you all remember Pretty Woman? Haha...see the family behind us...see the Lobster on Joey's plate...yeah...he sent a big ol' piece of that flying and it landed right between the husband and wife behind him! Flippin' Hilarious! We all had a good laugh. The wife and I couldn't stop laughing the entire time!

Two Weeks into the new job...what do I receive at the'll never guess! FLOWERS! Nope, they weren't from Joey! hahahaha. They were from one of my bosses. Yup. Just to thank me for everything I have already helped her with and to tell me that I am making such a huge difference for her.

Now, let me tell you...I am an Admin for 4 different managers (which involves a lot more than just admin work! LOL) and I am the Marketing Assistant/Event Coordinator! They keep me busy and I love it! But what's one of the best they acknowledge my work and they make it known that it's appreciated!

I know. I know. You say it's just two weeks and that will get old really quick. Well guess what, I don't care! I'm going to be an optimist on this one! I've been here for over a month now and it's still happening. I'm still happy! I'm still appreciated! I'm still smiling! :)

Here are those flowers. Cute and Sweet!

The last couple of weekends have passed and I am enjoying them off with Joey. Even sitting at home and doing nothing is such a fun thing to do! No stress. No work worries! It's all about us and whoever or whatever we want it to be about!

We decided to make our 'backyard visions' come true! We put grass in! We put Bamboo all around the fence! I planted Tomatoes and Jalapenos! (Homemade Salsa...Mmmmmm...) It's as beautiful as it could possibly be for a less than 300 square feet yard, and I haven't even added my flowers yet! It's so much fun working on the Yard. I have even gone home at lunch time and raked, watered or just relaxed out there! It's amazing....

Here is just one picture I have of the grass from when we first put it in. I need to take more of the finished product and my garden! :) Soon to come!

Picture the grass a little greener....bamboo wrapped around the fence....and me sprawled out taking a cat nap! LOL